September 3, 2021

BGBW Shows Plus-Size Travelers What’s Possible

As many of you know, I wanted to create a travel blog that inspires people. Traveling the world is exciting and adventurous, but for many, it can be intimidating and uncomfortable. Especially, for plus-size travelers. You may be thinking that it’s not possible, or that you feel embarrassed, or maybe you’re worried you’ll be treated poorly. Well, I’m here to show you that although those feelings are valid, they shouldn’t hold you back from traveling and seeing the world. That’s why I created Big Guy Big World, to show all my followers, especially my plus-size followers, what’s possible. And, that you can still have fun, explore, and see the world no matter your shape or size.

Do What Makes You Happy

People can be cruel at times. And unfortunately, a lot of the time, this can affect us. A study, co-authored by Alice Moon, showed that when people perform tasks in front of others, they tend to believe they are being judged harshly on their performance. But in reality, people are much harder on themselves than the observers who are watching them. The thought of being judged or mistreated is intimidating for a lot of plus-sized travelers and may deter them from taking a trip. But, in reality, we are our toughest critics. Most of the time we judge ourselves harder than anyone.

I’m here to encourage you to do what makes you happy no matter what people think or say. I try and focus on enjoying my life, doing what makes me feel happy. Flying, site-seeing, taking tours and excursions, or participating in rides and attractions are exciting and fun. Don’t let anyone keep you from doing those things. I’m here to show you that you can do them!

You Can Inspire Others

I hope that I can inspire you, and then you can turn around and inspire someone else. We would be able to spread so much light and positivity if the inspiration worked like a chain reaction. We could touch so many people! Following this last year, so many have suffered. Many lost loved ones, jobs, homes, and so much more. I want to be a light and spread as much positivity as I can through this blog. I hope that you take my inspiration and share it with someone else! Especially those who feel like they can’t or shouldn’t travel because they are plus-size travelers or have a disability. 

I’m so passionate about traveling. At the end of the day, I just want my followers to leave my travel blog feeling encouraged, inspired, and confident. No matter your shape or size, your disability, or any other factor that may make traveling more difficult, you can do it. I’m here to show you what’s possible. Thank you for being a part of the Big Guy Big World family. I love sharing my adventures and experiences with all of you.

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Big Guy Big World is a travel blog, following Mark Jacoby’s journey as a big guy on a bigger journey, exploring the world during a global pandemic. Follow along as we experience some of the world’s most beautiful and exotic places.

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