Foods that are OK to Eat Before Flying
3 Unforgettable Things to See in Dubai
6 Foods to Avoid Before Flying

April 28, 2022

Plus Size Travel

Top 3 Travel Backpacks for Big People

April 4, 2022

Travel Tips

What Plus-Size Travelers Should Know Before Flying
Plus Size Travel
Travel Tips

Cruise Ship 101 for Overweight Travelers

The cruise lines took a beating with the Covid-19 pandemic. In most cases, they were completely shut down and when they resumed, cruising was very different than it was before. The good news, most lines are back up and running. Even better news, because the demand still isn’t back to where it once was, we…

Plus Size Travel
Travel Tips

Foods that are OK to Eat Before Flying

We already talked about the foods we should avoid before flying, whether for our health or out of consideration for others. Of course, that raises the question: What foods are ok to eat before flying? The good news is there are plenty of things you can eat. Here are a few of them. Unsalted nuts…

Plus Size Travel
Travel Tips

In-flight Entertainment Gadgets for Your Next Trip

There was a time when the only way to entertain yourself on a flight was with a magazine or book. While those are still valid choices, our options have grown exponentially over the past few years. It’s not easy to keep up with every one of those options as companies develop more technology every year.…

Plus Size Travel
Travel Tips

RV Travel for Big People

If you want a summer getaway, we stand in line for TSA at the airport, then wedge ourselves into an uncomfortable seat for a few hours. Or we can take a cruise and hope that we can close the bathroom door behind us. There is another option, RVs. Recreational vehicles are nothing new, but some…

Plus Size Travel
Travel Tips

Benefits of TSA PreCheck for Plus-size Travelers

We love to travel, don’t we? Seeing new places. Seeing new people. Eating amazing new places. Yes, air travel is fun, but it can also be a chore for plus-size travelers. There are struggles that many of our fellow travelers don’t experience. Fortunately, there are tips, hacks and shortcuts that can help make some of…

Plus Size Travel
Travel Tips

How to Sleep During Long Flights

Some travelers can drop off to sleep before the plane is even off the ground. If you’re in that group (and we see you), you can probably skip reading this. For the rest of us without that superpower, there are some easy tips that will help you sleep during long flights. Where you sit matters…

Plus Size Travel
Travel Tips

6 Foods to Avoid Before Flying

Because of the limited space in plane seats, many of us will eat before our flights. Nobody wants to deal with feeling even more cramped while trying to eat. Sometimes, it’s just efficient use of our time after we have cleared TSA and have to wait for boarding. Whatever the reason, not all foods are…

Plus Size Travel
Travel Tips

Travel Agencies for People of Size

Big people can travel with the best of them. Yep, I said it. Sure there are a few more obstacles than the average bear may face, but it can be done without being overwhelmed. You’re busy, I get it. Travel done right, if you’re a bigger person, can take time to plan. Then there’s the…

Plus Size Travel
Travel Tips

Clothing for Plus-Size Adventure

What to wear? It can be a loaded question but clothing for plus-size adventure doesn’t have to be a mystery. It all depends on your comfort level. Comfort means something a little different to everyone. There are a handful of things that can make your life a lot easier traveling as a plus-size person. Being…

Plus Size Travel
Travel Tips

5 Plus-Size Comfort Hacks for Comfier Travel

“I’m sorry sir, it looks like your luggage is too heavy for the plane. You’ll have to remove some items and put them on your carry-on,” which is going on the same plane. I mean, WTF. Travel already sucks for big people, don’t let silly shit like this stress you out. True comfort means we…

Plus Size Travel

Fear of the Unknown: A Travel Obstacle Big People Can Conquer

Tiny ass airplane seats, impatient people boarding the plane, chub rub from all the walking, the travel industry isn’t easy on big people. The hardest obstacle doesn’t have anything to do with seat sizes or physical things. The hardest obstacle big people have when we travel is our own fear of the unknown.  Fear is…

Plus Size Travel

Top 5 Airlines with Plus-Size Friendly Plane Seats

Ever cram a suitcase until the zipper breaks? I have. It sucks. That extra inch. One damn inch and pop, the zipper broke. Imagine that was your ass in the balance. The difference between your ass falling asleep on that 3+ hour flight can be a matter of a few inches in plane seats. Literally.…