May 30, 2021

Tips on Traveling During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Everything has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. From businesses to personal lives, and so much more. Everything has become difficult, inconvenient, and a learning curve. The one thing that has seemed almost impossible to do throughout the pandemic is travel. But last year, I knew that I couldn’t let it stop me from seeing the world. Life is way too short, and I didn’t want to wait. So, I decided to embark on a journey of traveling the world through a global pandemic. 

Along the way, I’ve learned a lot of tips and tricks that have helped me as I navigate the new realities of traveling. There are so many new policies, regulations, and protocols that I’ve had to adapt to. There’s a lot of research that goes into planning a trip nowadays. You have to look into state regulations, COVID testing policies, and, of course, mask requirements. So, I have mapped out some tips and tricks for you that I’ve learned along the way that will help you as you travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Entrance & COVID-Testing Policies

It’s super important to do some research on the new COVID policies in each state/country, as each one may be different. It’s possible that certain locations could require proof of a negative COVID test or proof of vaccination. Several places require a quarantine period after arrival. Not all states and countries are operating this way, but it’s something to be mindful of. You can search any location on the CDC website, and you’ll be directed to that location’s restrictions and policies. This is a super helpful tool that I encourage you to utilize.

Masks & Capacity Limits

As I’ve been traveling the world, I’ve seen places that are very relaxed when it comes to capacity limits and mask policies, and I’ve seen some very strict places. Either way, it’s something to be prepared for before heading out on your trip. It’s also important to plan your tours and excursions ahead of time because many of them are currently operating at limited capacity. Tours that could once accept 20 guests, may now only take 10. My recommendation would be to book tours and tickets as early as you can to ensure your whole party can participate. 

Operating Attractions & Restaurants 

Many attractions are still closed down. So, it’s important to do some research on the specific activity you want to do and not just assume it’s open. Even though businesses and attractions are slowly starting to open up, there are still some that may only be operating on certain days or not at all. Restaurants are also starting to open back up, but they may be takeout only, which would be difficult if you have a large group of people in your party. I would also have backup plans in place because as COVID changes and adapts, so do operation policies. All it takes is another rise in cases, and certain attractions or restaurants may decide to close back down. 

Honestly, the biggest tip I could give you is to do a lot of research. Research is key to being prepared. Although this can be inconvenient and time-consuming, it will be well worth it before embarking on your travels. I would also say, have a backup plan, just in case policies and restrictions change. The CDC makes it super easy to stay up to date on each location’s COVID restrictions, so take advantage of it. 

I know traveling through the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t ideal. I think it’s safe to say we all wish things could be different. However, here at Big Guy Big World, I still want to encourage my followers to get out there and see the world. Don’t wait! Be safe, stay prepared, and TRAVEL! Adventure awaits. 

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Big Guy Big World is a travel blog, following Mark Jacoby’s journey as a big guy on a bigger journey, exploring the world during a global pandemic. Follow along as we experience some of the world’s most beautiful and exotic places.

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